Occupational Therapy Can Help Teach You Proper Ergonomics

Occupational Therapy Can Help Teach You Proper Ergonomics

Occupational Therapy Can Help Teach You Proper Ergonomics

Have you noticed that your hands have a persistent ache when you’re working? Do you need clarification about arranging your workstation to protect you from pain? At Santa Clarita Valley Therapy Services in California, our occupational therapists can help you learn how to set up your workstation to improve your productivity and minimize your risk of injury!

Ergonomics is a science that uses intentional design and arrangement of the tools and equipment required to perform your job duties efficiently and safely. Whether sitting at a computer all day or standing in the assembly line, the ergonomic setup of your workstation can minimize your risk of injury and even help you find relief.

At Santa Clarita Valley Therapy Services in California, our team of highly trained occupational therapists and certified hand therapists will teach you exercises and adaptations you can implement at work and home to ensure you perform at your highest level!

Call today to request an appointment with one of our therapists to see if you can benefit from ergonomic training!

How ergonomics can help you

The science of ergonomics is the purposeful design and fitting of the work environment to prevent or minimize the likelihood of injuries, improve function, and enhance the quality of life while working. If you have been dealing with persistent pain or want to prevent an injury, ergonomic strategies at work or home can help keep you healthy.

Some important considerations for proper ergonomics include the following:

  • Choosing proper postures based on work duties (i.e., avoiding slouching and awkward positions)
  • Avoiding prolonged positions (i.e., sitting or standing for extended periods)
  • Minimizing repetitive movements by frequent breaks or changing tasks
  • Intentionally set up your workstation to fit your body and individual needs

Our California occupational therapists will identify and recommend necessary adjustments or adaptations to your work environment to reduce and prevent further pain and injury.

How to keep your hands free of injury and pain

Our hands are essential in almost everything we do in our typical daily tasks and/or work responsibilities. Too often, we take our hands for granted and don’t realize how vulnerable we are to injury until it’s too late. Fortunately, our team at Santa Clarita Valley Therapy Services in California takes a proactive approach to keep your hands safe.

Our therapists can design a personalized program, including any necessary adjustments and modifications to your work environment or designing splints and modifying the tools you use to reduce and prevent further pain and injury. Once your therapists have created a safer work environment, your chances of sustaining an injury are much lower.

Try implementing the following strategies to lower your chances of injury:

  • Modify your workstation setup to your physical requirements: Start by adjusting your computer monitor’s position, seat height, and the location of your mouse and keyboard.
  • Always use your protective equipment: Whether working around your home or on a job site, gloves protect your hands from cuts, scrapes, and blisters that can lead to pain or injury.
  • Avoid prolonged positions: Prolonged positions often lead to improper technique or faulty movements that cause pain or injury.
  • Take frequent breaks: Repetitive stress-type injuries are common in the hands and often related to awkward positions and improper technique. Taking breaks from work to stretch and move around helps protect the wrists, hands, and fingers.

If you’re unsure what to do for your specific situation, consulting with one of our occupational therapists at Santa Clarita Valley Therapy Services in California can help!

What to expect at your occupational therapy sessions

One of our highly trained occupational therapists will start with a comprehensive evaluation that includes your past medical history and the specific demands on your body at home and work on a typical day.

As part of our evaluation, we will identify all the possible factors affecting your condition, including your ergonomic setup for work and at home.

Our therapists will use this information to develop a comprehensive program that includes targeted manual techniques, mobility work, strengthening, and appropriate pain relief techniques. In some circumstances, we recommend specialized devices or equipment modifications (such as splints or wrist supports) to make your daily tasks more comfortable.

Our team will need the following information to help identify where we can help to minimize the risk of further pain or injury:

  • The setup of your desk or workstation
  • The size and space of the room
  • The tools you will need to use around the home (i.e., knife, scissors, rake, or shovel)
  • Tools used on the job (i.e., hammer, screwdriver, drill, etc.) 
  • Office equipment used daily (i.e., computer, phone, monitors, etc.)

No matter what you are dealing with, our occupational therapists can help find solutions to ensure your hands are pain and injury free!

Request an appointment at Santa Clarita Valley Therapy Services today!

At Santa Clarita Valley Therapy Services, our highly trained occupational therapists can guide you to resolve your pain and improve the ergonomics of your work environment to ensure you stay injury-free!

Call us today to request an appointment with one of our specialists and get the help you need to avoid injury and function at your highest potential!
